About dori
i am a spiritual being concerned with topics and issues that affect all of US - individually and collectively - including: parenting, sports, nutrition, the environment, business, government, the economy, education, spirituality, politics, human rights, and personal integrity.
My life experiences allow me to see things from many different viewpoints. My opinions on topics, although deeply held at any given moment in time, are open to change upon receiving new information that persuades me to think differently. Diverse points of view are stimulating, especially when based upon actual knowledge and expressed with civility and integrity.
Among my life experiences: Abandoned by my birth mother; growing up in an adoptive home rampant with abuse; educated in conservative and liberal institutions; having a strong spiritual foundation rooted in Christianity; an inherent love of animals and nature, with enormous respect for our planet and our environment; studying a variety of cultures, religions, and spiritual programs; Republican upper-middle-class parents who educated and worked themselves out of very poor backgrounds; a feminist and environmentalist mother; closely interacting with people from tremendous wealth, extreme poverty, and working middle classes; recognizing the need to change my political party affiliation to reflect my core values; devoted to health and fitness, an athlete in multiple sports, but still figuring it all out after a serious injury a few years ago; travel junkie who loves to experience new places and different cultures; enjoying a loving and committed relationship with my husband for 39 years; struggling for years to become pregnant, exploring adoption, and ultimately giving birth to 3 children from 2 pregnancies; devoting myself to my children and their schools - from private to public; working as a lawyer representing severely abused and neglected children; earning a Masters Degree in Human Development with a Child Care Specialization; working for the past 29 years with women recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, child abuse and other trauma; and still adjusting to my recently empty nest.